Sponsor our WordCamp

Without sponsors, we can’t make an event like WordCamp Antwerp happen. Thanks to your sponsorship we’ll able to keep our ticket prices very low, which helps to make the event as open, inclusive and welcoming as possible. After all, we want to open up the WordPress community to as many people as possible.

When you sponsor WordCamp Antwerp, you’re not just getting your logo on the website of our conference, you’re part of the community and the event. You’re profiling yourself as a true sponsor of the WordPress project: as an expert in your field and a trusted partner of users/developers/owners.

You can check out all of our packages and sign up on our sponsors-page!

Mark your calendars: WordCamp Antwerp 2020 is a go!

Our team at #WCANT is so pumped to announce WordCamp Antwerp so mark the date on your calendar to attend THE WordPress event of the year in Belgium!

27th, 28th & 29th of March 2020

As you can see, we’ve added Sunday to the program as well!

More detailed, this is how we’ll schedule the 3rd edition of WordCamp Antwerp:

  • Friday 27/3/2020: Conference / Contributor evening
  • Saturday 28/3/2020: Conference / Afterparty
  • Sunday 29/3/2020: Community day in Antwerp 🎉

The place to be is in and around the Stadscampus of Universiteit Antwerpen: Prinsstraat 13, 2000 Antwerp; more about the venue will follow!

What’s next?

Organizing a WordCamp takes a couple of things: manpower, speakers and money being 3 quite important ones so we would like to launch a call for speakers, call for volunteers and a reach-out to companies, agencies, self-employed WordPress people, designers or basically anyone willing to throw in some funds we need to make WordCamp Antwerp v3 ROCK like it did in 2018!

A big thank you already for everyone for teaming up with us in any way possible!