Anne-Mieke Bovelett

Anne-Mieke Bovelett

My name is Anne-Mieke Bovelett, and I run a versatile advertisement & project management agency called "Geek on Heels". I’m a Dutch Jack (and master) of a lot of trades in web, art, music and food, living and working in a small city near Düsseldorf, but I often reside in other countries as well. I’m fluent in Dutch, English, German (including Swiss-German dialect) and geek speak. One of my favourite coding friends once said: “Oh wow, you actually ARE a geek on heels!” Hence the origin of my agency name. I’m in love with logic, my brain goes faster than my mouth, so sometimes I talk gibberish. Laziness translated to effectiveness, I prefer to create live screencasts to explain a problem or a solution, rather than writing it down. Autodidact, open source lover, webdesign (CSS + HTML) since 1998, lately digging into PHP.
If you insist on knowing more, come find me on Twitter.
