Your first contributor day?

Only a few days to go for Contributor Day, the first time for WordCamp Antwerp!

If you’ve never been to a Contributor Day at a WordCamp, you might be a little nervous on the first go. The name on its own, Contributor Day, can sound like it’s an exclusive club for only those people who have given a lot of time or provide a high level of expertise.

foto WordCamp Europe 2017

Does everyone in the room know everything there is to know about WordPress? Nope! They are just like you – excited about WordPress and ready to contribute. (OK: if you don’t feel ‘ready’: just pass by and get a feel of the myriad of ways one can contribute, come see how WordPress is made and maintained. Btw, it’s a perfect way to get to know WordPress better.)

Contributor Day will take place on Friday, March 2nd, 2018 at Via Via, Wolstraat 43. Registration will start at 12:30, will really start at 13:00 and continue until 18:00. Coffee, tea and water will be provided.

Before attending the event:

  • Prepare your laptop and charger.
  • If you haven’t created your account on or on the Make WordPress + Slack then do so now! (not mandatory, but it speeds up your contributor day start! If you get blocked, we’ll help you out of course)
  • Take good rest to be 100% ready for contributing to WordPress.
  • Spread the #WCANT #ContributorDay word to the whole world!

Here are some pointers for your first Contributor Day:

  • Open Source takes all sorts – WordPress is an open source project. It’s built, from top to bottom, by the people who offer their time. You don’t have to have a grand plan in order to help. All you need to know is what your skills are.
  • Everyone is an expert at something – Don’t measure yourself by the skills of the person next to you. Not only does our community need people with lots of different skills, but even experts started out not knowing anything.
  • Want to get in the mood for the WordPress talks on Saturday? – Why not start it by practicing with people who are just as excited about all of this as you are?
  • Find a buddy – Buddies are easy to find in the WordPress community. If you didn’t bring a friend with you, introduce yourself to a new friend at a table!
  • Use your feet – It can be hard to know what to work on. If the team you start with doesn’t fit the skills you know you have, wander on to a different one.


Note: you need a ticket of the WordCamp to attend the contributor day. Get yours if you haven’t got one yet!

Any questions?

Just ask! Via the contact form, via twitter, or ask them on the #wcantwerp channel on the WordPress Belgium Slack team. (Not yet on slack? Ask an invite via the contact form, just mention your email address and SLACK 😉 )

We verwelkomen Volta als Bronze Sponsor

Volta helpt u beter communiceren. Van idee tot uitwerking. Online en offline. In woord en beeld. Met kleine of grote budgetten. Om uw communicatie te optimaliseren hebben we alle experts in huis: copywriters, designers, WordPress developers en strategen. Moet het straffer, mooier of efficiënter? Wij houden van een complexe uitdaging, slaan graag een pittige creatieve punch, en we streven naar efficiënte oplossingen.

Volta is een team van 15 mensen. Groot genoeg voor omvangrijke opdrachten, maar niet te groot voor persoonlijk contact of om flexibel in te spelen op snelle vragen en veranderingen.
Wij werken voor kleine en middelgrote ondernemingen maar ook voor multinationals verspreid over de hele wereld. Voor non-profit organisaties, overheden en commerciële en industriële sectoren.
Alle info op

We verwelkomen NILMEDIA als Bronze Sponsor


Twitter: @nilmedia
WordPress profile:

Dag Kees, vertel meer over jezelf en jouw connectie met WordPress.

NILMEDIA ontwikkeld al sinds 2000 websites en webshops. Later zijn we zelf gaan hosten en leveren we support aan webbeheerders die een helpende hand kunnen gebruiken. Sedert 2010 zijn we Google partner voor G-suite (voorheen Google Apps) en ontwikkelen we ook apps voor mobiele toepassingen.
We zijn in het begin gestart met Mambo CMS wat de voedingsbodem voor Joomla! is geweest. Tot 2011 hebben we heel veel in Joomla ontwikkeld met enkele zeer grote projecten. Toen WordPress begon te ‘boomen’ zagen we al snel de voordelen van dit enorm krachtige platform in.
Vandaag ontwikkelen we minstens 90% van onze projecten in WordPress.

Over welke onderwerpen mogen onze WordCamp bezoekers jou vragen stellen?

Iedere vraag! 🙂 Net als WordPress is NILMEDIA ook ‘open source’: waar we kennis kunnen delen en/of helpen doen we dit graag. Met onze zeer ruime ervaring hebben we al veel klanten kunnen helpen. Soms met info die hen in de juiste richting heeft gebracht maar vaak ook met een totaal project als gevolg.

Hoe lang werk je al met WordPress?

Onze eerste WordPress website dateert van 2011 en sindsdien is het erg snel gegaan in het aandeel WordPress vs. overige CMS’en. Initieel kijken we eerst naar de toepassing, omvang en eventuele andere technische vereisten. Meestal (+ 90%) komt WordPress hier als meest ideale platform uit. In de overige gevallen ontwikkelen we in Joomla! of Magento.

Waarom sponsor je WordCamp Antwerp?

Wellicht zoals voor de meeste sponsors: om iets terug te kunnen doen naar de grenzeloze inzet van de vele medewerkers die aan WordPress werken. Mede door hun energie die zij erin steken kan NILMEDIA dit rock-solid systeem gebruiken als fundering voor onze web projecten.

Waarom zou jij iedereen aanraden WordCamp Antwerp te bezoeken?

Het is dé ideale ontmoetingsplaats voor iedereen die graag werkt met WordPress, ongeacht of je er gisteren mee bent gestart of er al jaren dagelijks in ontwikkelt. De Antwerpse Meetup’s zijn al een voorbode van de enorme, goede sfeer die je hier kunt verwachten.
Daarnaast ga je altijd met extra kennis(sen) naar huis: is het geen technische nieuwe info dan heb je vast wel een of meerdere interessante contacten met andere bezoekers op gedaan!

Introducing Appsaloon as a Silver Sponsor + Interview with Koen Huybrechts

This post is a serie of interviews of our sponsors.

Twitter: @appsaloon

What do you do and what is the connection with WordPress?

We are a team of developers, specialised in WordPress development. Custom themes based on your designs and plugins that integrate with an external API.

About which topics can you help our visitors during the WordCamp?

Plugin development
Theme development

How long do you work with WordPress?

± 6 years

Why do you sponsor WordCamp Antwerp?

We learned a lot from the community and now it’s time to help it grow. On a WordCamp, attendees can get inspired to become better WordPress’ers and get a motivational boost

Why should people come to WordCamp Antwerp?

To get inspired and learn more about WordPress, not only from the platform, but also from the community.

Introducing Aranere as our Bronze sponsor + interview

Twitter: @aranerebe

What do you do and what is the connection with WordPress?

Most of the websites we build for our customers, are WordPress sites. We also provide technical support to other agencies and small webdevelopers.

About which topics can you help our visitors during the WordCamp?

A broad range of technical advice. API connection. Data- or Productimport, general WordPress development

How long do you work with WordPress?

5-10 years

Why do you sponsor WordCamp Antwerp?

We love the initiative and want to support the ‘Belgian’ WordPress community. Therefor we also host some of the WordPress meetups in Limburg. A big part of the open-source community, and the success of WordPress, comes back to contributing.

Why should people come to WordCamp Antwerp?

To learn from each other. You’re never too old to learn something.


Introducing Yoast as our Diamond Sponsor (+VIDEO interview)

Twitter: @yoast

At Yoast, we optimize websites in a holistic way. Not just one aspect of websites, but every aspect. Making sites more usable, easier to navigate, faster and more reliable. In other words: we make websites work. For the owner ánd the visitor. The added bonus is that if you do all that right, a website becomes easier to find as well.
With over 4 million active installs Yoast SEO is the most popular SEO plugins around

Introducing Dutch Webdesign as our Silver sponsor + interview


What do you do and what is the connection with WordPress?

We develop high quality WordPress websites containing complex tailored modules to fit the high demand needs of our clients.

About which topics can you help our visitors during the WordCamp?

Both our (Belgian) front- and (Dutch) backend developer will be present during the event. So don’t hassle to evolve us in any kind of discussion related to WordPress, clean PHP, pure LESS or the best beer to drink next.

How long do you work with WordPress?

We’ve known WordPress from the early start, however it took us a few years before we saw it’s true potential besides the solid blog features it provided. Since then it proved itself to be a great partner in getting the best experience for the majority of our clients.

Why do you sponsor WordCamp Antwerp?

We use WordPress for quite some time now and always enjoyed the tools and input we’d benefit from the huge community behind it. Now it’s our time to give back to that awesome community for all support we’d been given over the years.

Why should people come to WordCamp Antwerp?

Attending at a WordCamp is the best way to get in touch with like minded people away from your desk. The WordPress community online is already very warm and welcoming to new people regardless of the experience you bring along, but meeting some of these people offline is an even greater experience for sharing and purging information on both a tech and personal level. In short, extend your knowledge, network and social skills at the same time.

Introducing Level Level as our Silver Sponsor + interview

Level Level
Twitter: @levellevel

Hi Taeke, tell us more about Level LeveL and what is the connection with WordPress?

Level Level is a full service WordPress agency from Rotterdam (NL). We think, design, develop, host and support bespoke projects based on WordPress.
We help brands connect to their customers by creating outstanding websites and applications that offer the best user experience on any device.

About which topics can you help our visitors during the WordCamp?

Please ask us about anything WordPress! We love talking about business, design, UX, front- and backend development but also about how to keep your projects safe and sound.

How long does Level Level work with WordPress?

Since the start of Level Level, now 12 years ago, Level Level has been using WordPress for its projects.

Why do you sponsor WordCamp Antwerp?

As our business heavily revolves around WordPress we feel we have responsibility to give to back to its community. Therefore we attend, speak at, organise and sponsor WordPress meetups and WordCamps in the Netherlands and beyond.

Why should people come to WordCamp Antwerp?

Like any WordCamp, WordCamp Antwerp offers a great opportunity to interact with designers, developers, users and WordPress enthousiasts. Also one of our team members, Jaime Martinez, will be doing a talk about A modular approach tot WordPress theme development that you should definitely attend 🙂

Introducing All In One SEO Pack as our Diamond Sponsor (+VIDEO interview)
Twitter: @semperfidev

What do you do and what is the connection with WordPress?

I’m Arnaud from We are the developers of All in One SEO Pack, the original SEO plugin for WordPress. I provide technical support, take care of sales, marketing and come up with new ideas to improve the experience of our customers. I joined the team about three years ago and it’s been a blast!

About which topics can you help our visitors during the WordCamp?

Our plugin is translated in 60+ languages thanks to dozens of enthusiastic contributors. I’ve been managing that community ever since I started working for Semper Plugins and I’ll be happy to provide you with tips with regards to internationalization (i18n) and localisation (i10n).
We are also one of the pioneers of commercial WordPress plugins, so feel free to reach out to any member of our team with your questions about developing solutions for WordPress.

How long do you work with WordPress?

I was personally introduced to WordPress four years ago, but my colleagues have ten years of experience.

Why do you sponsor WordCamp Antwerp?

We’re sponsoring WordCamp Antwerp as part of giving back to the community we’ve gotten so much from. Over the past decade, we’ve spent tens of thousands of dollars sponsoring WordCamps across the US and the rest of the world. And it’s even greater if we can sponsor a WordCamp in the home country of one of our team members.

Why should people come to WordCamp Antwerp?

To meet local developers and other WordPress enthuasiasts from the local community, and to visit the lovely city that is Antwerp in the meanwhile.

WordCamp Antwerp is over. Check out the next edition!