Remkus de Vries

Remkus de Vries

Remkus is like the godfather of the WordPress Community in the Netherlands. There’s probably not one aspect of WordPress he didn’t touched through his career. A summary: admin of the Dutch WordPress forums, lead of the translations nl-nl, president of the WP Nederland foundation and he’s organized a lot of WordCamps Netherlands and the first WordCamp Europe.Remkus lives in the beautiful province of Fryslân and he’s the CEO of Forsite Media as well as managing director of Crowd Favorite B.V.

Forsite Media is a WordPress specialist internet media company specialised in enterprise solutions.


Author: Csaba (LittleBigThings)

I am a sustainable web designer and WordPress developer with a passion for design and the environment. I am/was a team rep for the WordPress sustainability team.

WordCamp Antwerp is over. Check out the next edition!