New speakers announced, last round

Andreas Creten

WordCamp talk of Andreas: A rough guide to caching
Andreas is the creator of The command-line interface for WordPress, used by thousands of people including companies like Auttomatic, Media Temple and Dreamhost.He is a software engineer and an entrepreneur who loves developing apps and building teams. In 2008, he started madewithlove, an app development company where everybody speaks code, the management included. He loves pushing startups forward, either as a co-founder or CTO. As a firm believer in data & knowledge sharing, you’ll regularly find him working on open-source projects and speaking at conferences.
Twitter: @andreascreten

Mathias Bynens

WordCamp talk of Mathias: CSS Fun facts
Mathias is a web standards enthusiast from Belgium. Stuff like open-source, webstandards, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Unicode, performance, and security gets him excited. Works at Opera, tweets at @mathias, blogs at and speaks regularly at Fronteers or other meetups. Mathias will run a talk on fun facts about CSS. That should be fun, right ?
Twitter: @mathias

Brecht Ryckaert

WordCamp talk of Brecht: WordPress Performance Tweaking
Brechts discovered WordPress version 1.5 as a blogger. In 2008 he went to work at Combell as Service Desk Engineer where he has quickly started to specialize in content management systems, in particular WordPress.
In 2010 he founded in building WordPress and Concrete5 construction sites for its customers.
Twitter: @brechtryckaert

Erik Bernskiold

WordCamp Workshop of Erik: Making Your Websites Accessible Doesn’t Have to Be Hard
Digital Strategist, Businessman, Economist & Speaker. Eric ventured into community-building and website building at the age of 10, creating a community for Harry Potter website. In 2004, at the age of 12, he started his first real business, XLD Studios, helping others create and build websites. Today the very same company is one of the leading WordPress web agencies in Sweden.
Twitter: @ErikBernskiold

Saskia Videler

WordCamp talk of Saskia: A Customer Focussed and Content Centered Process
Content strategist Saskia Videler makes sure all the right content gets at the right places at the right time. By focussing on the user, she makes sure your websites are as top performing as they possibly can.
Saskia will be speaking about a Customer Focussed and Content Centered Process, she tweets at @saskiavideler
Twitter: @saskiavideler

Paul van Buuren

WordCamp talk of Paul: Hit any user to continue – How to train your users to create accesssible content. Talk is aimed at users, developers and project managers.
Interaction Designer. Website builder since 1998. Uses WordPress since 2007. Accessible websites for government, companies and individuals. Talks in aphorisms [tegeltjeswijsheden™]
Twitter: @paulvanbuuren

Barry Kooij

WordCamp talk of Barry: Lessons Learned Running a WordPress Plugin Business
I’m a developer living in the Netherlands working at Never5. In my free time I like to spend time with my family and play video games.
I love attending WordCamps and meetups. I also help organize WordCamp Netherlands and the WordPress meetup in Tilburg.
Twitter: @CageNL

Johan Janssens

WordCamp talk of Johan: Make.Good.Code – A story about punk, passion and pirates
Co-Founder of @joomla. Founder @joomlatools and @wordplugs Web Architect. Speaker. Free Software Advocate. Startup Advisor. World traveler. CEO @timblehq
Twitter: @johanjanssens

Toon Van de Putte

WordCamp workshop of Toon: How to work together across disciplines (dev, design, editorial) to create the best possible website.
Scrummaster and information architect at Klasse, who have been using WordPress as their main CMS for almost ten years on Toon has lots of experience in getting people from different backgrounds and skillsets to work together efficiently on building a great website. In his spare time, he helps out other people with their WordPress sites, and writes and illustrates for #ROFL bookzine.
Toon is also a regular panel member on Tech45, a Belgian/Dutch weekly technology podcast, and maintains a personal website at
Twitter: @toonvandeputte

Author: Dave Loodts

Building websites since 2006—yes, it’s been that long! I ran a web design company,, from 2006 to 2022. Today, it's evolved into Woofers, where we focus exclusively on WooCommerce projects. Giving back to the WordPress community: ✅ Co-founder & former co-organizer of WordCamp Antwerp (Belgium) ✅ Co-founder & former co-organizer of WordPress Meetup Antwerp (Belgium) ✅ Founder & former co-organizer of WordPress Meetup Hasselt (Belgium) Let’s connect! Say hi on Twitter. 🚀

WordCamp Antwerp is over. Check out the next edition!